Tim Goble
Tim Goble obtained his PPL(A) well before his car driving licence and spent most of his free time at University flying Bulldogs with the University Air Squadron. During his regular Army career, he flew Gazelle and Lynx in Germany and the UK, and held a number of ground appointments including as Directing Staff at both Sandhurst and the Army Staff College Camberley, with staff jobs in MOD, the Directorate of Army Aviation and HQ RAF Strike Command.
Tim Goble retired from regular Army service in 2005 and took up a post as a Board director, Chief Operating Officer and Company Secretary at a London-based investment management company, with €1Bn funds under management. Some 8 years later, having supervised the company’s move from the UK financial regulation regime to its new home in Germany, he returned to uniform 3 days a week as an Army Reservist, leading the Joint Helicopter Command Reserve forces for 5 years.
He retired again – and finally! – from Army service in 2018 and now spends much of his time looking after a motley collection of sheep, ducks, geese and chickens. His wife Kate has been a Medical Officer at Middle Wallop for over 20 years and they have two grown-up children, one with a PPL(A) and the other a paramotor pilot. Tim continues to fly as frequently as he can, but not in the paramotor!